![The Lake House](http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1388300899m/1370966.jpg)
The Lake House by James Patterson
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I've heard Patterson's name every once in a while over the years but never got around to reading one of his books. Last week my husband and I went by a thrift store to drop off some yarn and I checked out their books. Saw this book, thought it sounded interesting, and thought, "Why not?"
Ever watched a movie or a read a book where at the end you ask, "Why didn't the protagonist just do (fill in the blank) in the beginning?" Yep, this is pretty much one of those. If Frannie, Kit, and the 6 children had just done a few things differently in the beginning the book would've been much different, and better. There were decisions made that were just not that smart, perhaps not dumb, but there were smarter options available.
The book also felt cliché. Mad scientist, doctor with ego the size of the planet, said doctor has clones of himself and a Stepford Wife, FBI without a sense of humor, clueless parents, a teen girl who falls in love, women melting into mens arms, so on. The oldies are sometimes not that great.
I do hope this is not the best example of his writing.
Hmmm… Not bored so far. There are a few things I take issue with. There was an experiment done where bird DNA was put together with human DNA. The children were put into women who were unaware of the type of fertilize egg being implanted. At around 8 months these women were then told that there was something wrong with the pregnancy and an emergency C-section would have to be done. Afterward the parents were then told that the child died.
In the previous book this was all uncovered. The children are now back with their biological parents. The woman and man who had rescued the children sued for custody, and lost. This first part deals with the hearing.
The issue I take is the arguments used in the hearing are pretty bad. The lawyer on the side of the bio parents use the unmarried, no children status of the individual suing for custody as reasons why they make bad parents. Ha, that could easily be dismissed. The individuals suing for custody know that the children would do much better in her care because the children have imprinted on her and the man, but this is never bought up.
The proceeding seemed overly simplified. It felt as if Patterson had to write it but didn't want to bother with fleshing it out and giving it some meat.
Part 2: Flying Lessons
Not catching me really. Nothing wrong with it but… Just not getting into it. The writing is good though, so I may look into some of Patterson's other books. This does feel like it is written for a younger audience.
As far as I can tell, the parents of the children are idiots. Frannie and Kit (the two who tried for custody) have gone their separate ways and neither have attempted visiting any of the children. That is what I don't get. Just because they didn't get custody doesn't mean they can't be friends with they children.
No one is calling child abuse on the way the bio parents excessively push reporters onto these children. I'm also puzzled as to how a judge can come to the conclusion that splitting up 6 children that have been together ranging from 4-12 years in the best interest for the children.
Part 3: House Calls
The Stepford Wife crap? Really! Sure it fits this guys personality but is rather a silly thing to add in my opinion. Stereotypical. This book seems to rely heavily on stereotypes. The evil genius doctor, the courts siding with married bio parents simply because they are bio and married, the FBI agent who sides with the FBI over his feelings for the children, parents are all into using the children as money makers. It feels as if this book is full of stereotypes and has a dearth of personalities.
As for flying the coop? I personally wonder what took them so long. It's not like living with bio parents was actually providing them with anything but an awkward attempt at normalcy.
Part 4: Yellow Brick Road
Not certain why this part is named as it is. Finally things seem to be moving along. No more reading about moping kids, sad adults, or gerk offs. Now something is actually happening. Of course we get to witness the stereotypical woman melting into a man's arms, twice. I do wonder why the Doctor waited so long to move on the kids.
Part 5: The Hospital
So, Frannie and Kit decide it would be a good idea to leave 6 children who are being hunted alone? Really? Seriously? Not only that, they head off to talk to somebody in a hospital that they think is The Hospital and it never occurs to them that by doing so they could very well be warning the person who is having these children hunted down. Wow! Good job there, smart! *eye roll* And the clone thing is just silly as well.
Part 6: A Brand New Day & Epilogue
Too bad Oz had to die. I skimmed most of this, was ready for another read..
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