Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Love! Ilona Andrews always come up with the most unique magic and modern life mixtures I've seen. Clean Sweep is no exception. I love the Inns, most especially the kitchen. Oh, if I could just have a pantry like that. They also seemed to be subtly poking fun at the vampire/werewolf love triangle. Though to be clear there is only the barest of romance. The entirety of this story contains unique creatures, places, and magic. It is very much its own unique world. I do hope to see more in the future.
Now that I have the initial gush over I can write more clearly. Dina is an Innkeeper. This means she has an Inn, with currently one guest. Her and the Inn have a kind of symbiotic relationship, she takes care of the Inn and it takes care of her. On the Inn grounds her power, so far, seems limitless. Off Inn grounds, her power is severely limited.
For the most part Inns are neutral territory, only getting involved when the Inn and it's guests are threatened. Dina though is not a typical Innkeeper. She just can't stand by while her neighbors are at risk. So she involves herself before her neighbors get hurt pr possibly even killed.
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